welcome to temple kol emeth
Inspired Jewish Life in Cobb County
We pride ourselves on being a welcoming community that wants to share our values and traditions with you and your family.
Choose to become part of our family and let us become a part of yours.
Shabbat Services
We welcome you into our sanctuary for Shabbat services every Friday. End your week with song and prayer in a warm and casual atmosphere. If you can't join us in person, click the live stream link below.
Friday, February 21, 8:00 p.m. with the Shir Emet Choir
Oneg is sponsored by Eric Palefsky and Claire Jones in memory and yahrzeit of Eric and Sheldon Palefsky's brother, Brian Palefsky.
Finding your Spiritual Home at TKE: A Shabbat with Rabbi Sid Schwarz
Friday, February 28 - Saturday, March 1
We are excited to welcome Rabbi Sid Schwarz to TKE for a very special Shabbat. Rabbi Sid is one of the foremost thinkers of building Jewish community and synagogue transformation.
Dinner & discussion, 6:00 p.m.: "Re-Imagining the American Synagogue" with Shabbat Service at 8:00 p.m.
Lights of TKE: Evening of Honor
Join us as we honor Nikki Goodstein and Hal Schlenger at our 2025 Avodah Lights of TKE Evening of Honor on Saturday, April 26, at Boxwood Social Hall, Marietta Square. It will be a night to celebrate!
TKE Judaica Shop Store-Wide Sale
Looking for a special gift - upcoming Mitzvah or wedding? Host gift for Seder? Graduation? Shop now and give later! All items displayed in the gift shop are 40% off (tallitot and fine jewelry are 20% off). The store is open Fridays before services and Sundays during Religious School or by appointment. Shop now and save!
Sponsor an Oneg at TKE!
Celebrate someone or something special in your life - a milestone birthday or anniversary, a new baby or a proud accomplishment - with your TKE family. Your sponsorship demonstrates your love for your family and provides invaluable support for TKE. Your sponsorship will be listed in the Tekiah (our weekly e-blast) and the printed Shabbat program.