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Yotzer (read only)

Title: Yotzer (read only)
Speaker: Addie Schneider
Date Recorded: -
Length: 00:01:40 Views: 881
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Avot - G'vurot (Amidah)

Addie Schneider | -

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Bar'chu and Shema

Addie Schneider | -

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Chatzi (Reader's) Kaddish

Addie Schneider | -

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Haftarah blessings

Addie Schneider | -

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Addie Schneider | -

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Mi Chamocha - Tzur Yisrael

Addie Schneider | -

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Mi Chamocha (Friedman)

Addie Schneider | -

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Morning Blessings

Addie Schneider | -

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Torah blessings

Addie Schneider | -

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Torah service - Ki MiTzion/Shema/L'cha Adonai

Addie Schneider | -

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Al Sh'losha D'varim

Zur | -

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Aleinu thru Bayom Hahu

Ephros Sulzer | -

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Av Harachamim

Dunajewski | -

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Bim Bam Shabbat Shalom

Frankel | -

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Birchot Havdalah thru Sahuva Tov

Friedman | -

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Priestly Blessing

Smilow | -

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Shalom Rav

Klepper | -

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Pik | -

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Siman Tov (Chasidic)

| -

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Thou Shalt Love

Friedman | -

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Sun, December 22 2024 21 Kislev 5785