Center for Jewish Life and Learning
Center for Jewish Life and Learning
Temple Kol Emeth is excited to have the Center for Jewish Life and Learning, which offers various learning opportunities for adults (regardless of background or prior Jewish knowledge).
Saturday Torah Study
Join Rabbi Foster on Saturday mornings at 9:00am for Torah study and find inspiration from our tradition. Together, we'll explore Jewish wisdom throughout the ages and discuss how it may be applicable and relevant to our lives today. Torah Study lasts about an hour and is accessible in person and on Zoom. Learners of all levels are welcome; you do not need to know Hebrew to participate. Find meaning in our ancient texts and start the new year fresh with a new perspective. Click the link below to join Torah Study by Zoom.
Click Here for Torah Study Zoom.
Introduction to Judaism / Pathway to Conversion: If you are interested in becoming Jewish, please contact Rabbi Daniel Alter ( to learn more about the conversion process. If you are looking for an online course to learn more about Judaism, we recommend the Union for Reform Judaism’s “Introduction to Judaism Online Course.” To learn more, click here.
Adult Hebrew and Adult B’nai Mitzvah Classes: We hope to form Adult Hebrew classes. If you are interested, please contact Cindy Livingston (
More classes and learning opportunities will be posted throughout the year!