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2023 RAC L'Taken Trip

Friday, February 24, 2023 3 Adar 5783

All Day for 3 DaysWashington, D.C.

Your Temple Kol Emeth teen has the extraordinary opportunity to participate in a four-day Jewish social justice trip in Washington, D.C., February 24-27, 2023. with Rabbi Sernovitz and Lauren Davis, Youth Engagement Coordinator. It will be a highlight of their Jewish learning and an experience so inspiring that many return for a second time.

Temple Kol Emeth will be attending the L’Taken Social Justice Seminar on Friday, February 24 - Monday, February 27, 2023. Yes, the trip requires teens to miss one school day, but the experience is well worth it!  

The L’Taken Social Justice Seminar is for high school students from across the country, run by the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington D.C. We will celebrate Shabbat, visit historic sites, and explore issues of social justice and Reform Jewish responses to them. The teens will find an issue they are passionate about and spend a day on Capitol Hill lobbying our Georgia Senators and Representatives.
For more information about the program and a sample schedule, visit the L’Taken website HERE or view a printable brochure HERE.
For specific details about TKE’s trip, view a fact sheet HERE.
The four day trip costs $975 which includes airfare, lodging, transportation around Washington D.C., many of the meals, programming expenses, and a TKE/L'Taken sweatshirt for each teen to commemorate the weekend. Scholarships may be available; please contact Rachel Barich for more information.


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