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Community Break Fast

Saturday, October 12, 2024 10 Tishrei 5785

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Join us as we break the Yom Kippur fast together immediately following the conclusion of services on Saturday, October 12. Bagels, cream cheese, and drinks will be provided by TKE.  Please bring a dairy dish to share that corresponds to the first letter in your last name.

A - F: Desserts (brownies, cookies, fruit)
G - P: Salads/Sides (green salad, kugel, pasta salad)
Q - Z: Bagel Toppers (half pound of tuna salad, egg salad, whitefish salad - NOT cream cheese)

Items can be brought to TKE prior to any of our Yom Kippur services.  Please wrap and label for "Break Fast."

If you are also able to assist at the event, we would be very appreciative!

Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 9.

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