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Publicity Request Form
Please verify reCaptcha before submitting the form.
The TKE Communications team is excited to help you get the word out about your upcoming event!
Please complete the information below as completely and as accurately as possible. The sooner we have the details of your program, the sooner we can begin preparing publicity and getting information out.
Communication for a program begins 30 days ahead of the start date and will be distributed across all platforms (Tekiah, website, Facebook, etc.). If you need special consideration, please add that note in the comment box at the end.
FOR WRJ or Men's Club Events please use
this link
rather than completing the form below.
Organizer/Chair for Event/Program
Organizer/Chair Email
(confirmation of submission will be sent to this email)
Organizer/Chair Contact Phone
Target Audience for Event (check all that apply)
General community of adults.
Seniors / L'Chaim
Families with preschool children.
Families with children in grade K-5.
Families with middle or high school children.
Children in elementary school.
Children in middle school.
Children in high school (teens).
Program created under the sponsorship of:
Please select:
TKE General Programming
TKE Religious School
TKE Youth Programming
TKE Women of Reform Judaism
TKE Men's Club
Event/Program Title
Event/Program Description. Please provide as much detail as possible.
Event website or Facebook page (if applicable)
Event Date
Start Time (include am or pm)
End Time (include am or pm)
Type of gather (in-person, virtual, hybrid)
Please select
In-person only / outdoors
In-person only / indoors
Virtual only / interactive (i.e., Zoom)
Virtual only / livestream (i.e., FaceBook Live or YouTube Live)
If event has an in-person component, specify event location:
TKE Sanctuary
TKE Social Hall
TKE Main Building Courtyard/Traffic Circle
Doc Lebow Center Lawn
Doc Lebow Center Building
Children's Memorial Garden
Off-site (please specify location name & address below)
If in-person component is offsite, please specify name & full address of location:
If event has virtual component, specify platform (i.e., Zoom) and if link URL is available, please provide. (if you need TKE to create link, please specify)
Does your event require RSVP/Reservation?
Choose one:
No, no reservation required
Yes, reservation required. RSVP will be through TKE website.
Yes, reservation required. RSVP method noted.
RSVP instructions if not through TKE website (provide email or RSVP link)
RSVP Deadline (last day to register):
Event graphic / logo
Choose one:
Please create a graphic for me.
I have a graphic (attaching here).
I will provide my own graphic (submitting later)
Graphic previously submitted.
Upload Event Graphic(s) here. JPG format preferred.
Notes for TKE Communication Team (if needed)
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785
Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785