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High Holy Days 2023

Welcome to the 2023/5784 High Holy Day Hub! 
We are excited to welcome our members and guests into the warm embrace of our sanctuary as we celebrate the new year together!


Our Kol Nidre service begins Sunday, September 24, at 8:00 p.m. If you are attending virtually, please use this LINK to watch the livestream.

Our Yom Kippur morning service begins Monday, September 25, at 10:00 a.m. If you are attending virtually, please use this LINK to watch the livestream.

Yom Kippur afternoon services begins Monday, September 25, at 4:30 p.m. These services include the Afternoon service at 4:30 p.m., Yizkor service at 5:30 p.m., and the concluding Neilah service beginning at approximately 6:15 p.m. All are welcome; tickets are not required. If you are attending virtually, please use this LINK to watch the livestream which will begin at 4:30 and continue until the conclusion of Neilah.

Service Schedule

A printable schedule of all of our services for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur can be found here. If changes are made to the schedule, we will update the schedule here.


High Holy Day Tickets

High Holy Day tickets will be mailed in late August to all members in good standing (those fulfilling at least three months of their annual membership commitment). To make sure your account is up to date, please contact the TKE office at 770-973-3533.  In addition, most services will be streamed online.  Information on how to access services online will be provided as the holy days approach.


Additional Guest Information

Additional tickets are available for immediate family members or guests who would like to attend High Holy Day services at TKE. Guest tickets are $195 per person and include both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. Children of members receive complimentary admission with a valid ID if they are students or active military. Children ages 18 and younger do not need a ticket to attend. To purchase additional tickets for guests, click here. 


Apples & Honey - Youth High Holy Day Programming (ages 2 - 12th grade)

TKE will be offering engaging High Holy Day programming during morning services for children in Preschool (ages 2-4) through 12th grade to help students embrace and engage with the High Holy Days in a fun and educational environment. Registration has for youth programming has closed.


Yizkor Memorial Books

As we approach our most holy season, you can honor and remember your loved ones by listing them in our High Holy Day Yizkor Memorial Book. To participate, please complete the submission form here*.  If you participated in the past, you should have received a personalized email in late July with information on how to participate again this year.  Submissions must be received by Friday, September 8 to be included in the 2023 Yizkor Book.  If you have questions, please email

*Deadline for participation has passed. Books will be distributed at our Yizkor service. You can download a digital version here. 

High Holy Day Prayer Books

TKE uses Mishkan HaNefesh: Machzor for the Days of Awe for our High Holy Day services. For those attending in person, we have books available for use during services. 

For those attending virtually or those who simply wish to have their own sets, copies can be purchased from the CCAR Press HERE. Please note that this is a two- book set, one for Rosh Hashana and one for Yom Kippur. For those who purchased sets previously, we encourage you to bring yours with you to services this year.


High Holy Day Food Drive

You can help fight food insecurity in our community by supporting the JF&CS High Holy Days Food Drive. Food from the annual food drive is the main source of donations for the JF&CS Kosher Food Pantry. Learn more here.  Bring non-perishable food donations to TKE throughout the High Holy Days.  




Start off the New Year by performing a mitzvah! We need friendly greeters throughout High Holy Day services.  Please complete the usher volunteer form and assist our congregants in having a meaningful experience at Temple Kol Emeth. Volunteering for just ONE shift can really make a difference!


High Holy Day Match Challenge Campaign - Taking Vision to Reality

The past year has been one of change and growth for TKE.  In order to build on that progress, we depend on donations beyond membership commitment.  This High Holy Day season, a group of generous members have committed to matching up to $50,000 in High Holy Day Campaign contributions.  The TKE Board of Trustees, clergy and staff ask that you consider this campaign and donate generously. 

To make your donation online, click here and choose “High Holy Day Matching Gift Campaign” from the Type dropdown list. You can also contribute by check made payable to “TKE”. To give via other means such as appreciated stock, please contact the TKE office.  

High Holy Day Resources for Families

More information will be available soon.


Community Yom Kippur Break-Fast

Join us as we break the Yom Kippur fast together immediately following the conclusion of services on Monday, September 25. Bagels, cream cheese, and drinks will be provided by TKE. Click here to learn more, and to see what to bring. An RSVP is requested by Friday, September 22.


Need More Information?

Temple Kol Emeth is committed to providing opportunities for worship and communal gathering both in-person an online. If you have any questions about the High Holy Days at Temple Kol Emeth, please contact Rachel Barich in the TKE office at 770-973-3533 or email at

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784