Meet The KEFTY Board
KEFTY Leadership
Meet the 2024-2025 KEFTY Board!
Megan Bowen
Vice President:
Lily Mosbacher
Sasha Beck
Chandler Weissman
2025-2026 Leadership
2025-2026 KEFTY Leadership Application will open in April 1st, 2025.
About KEFTY Leadership
Our KEFTY leadership helps run our KEFTY programming for one academic year. Being on leadership is a special opportunity for our teens, and one that can be put on a college resume. The skills from being on board are life skills!
Being on KEFTY leadership can be considered an internship or volunteer hours- it is like having a job! KEFTY leadership members are also expected to keep track of deadlines and play a large role in the planning of events and initiatives. They are supervised by the Youth Engagement Coordinator, Lissie Levitt.
All leadership members are expected to
- Attend KEFTY events and board meetings, serve as leaders during those events
- Promote KEFTY programming to others and being a positive role model promoting KEFTY values
- Be active in the Temple Kol Emeth community and the Greater Atlanta Jewish community
To be considered for a KEFTY Leadership role, we ask that applicants be in 9th-12th grade for 2025/2026 academic year, are in good standing at Kol Emeth, and turn in a completed application. If you haven’t been a participant in KEFTY before, that is okay, you can still apply!
KEFTY Leadership Selection Process:
To be a part of KEFTY leadership, teens will go through a similar process to applying to a job. To be considered for KEFTY leadership, teens will submit an application outlining their experience, including a written response sharing their desire to run. This is similar to submitting a resume and cover letter. Teens will also meet with the KEFTY board advisor and current leadership for a 10-minute interview to share about themselves. Each aspect of the process will include a scoring, and leadership will be chosen based on the cumulative score over the process.
Why is this the process?
In the past, KEFTY leadership has been chosen through an election process. While elections are an important tool for deciding leadership, they also do not always allow for new people to emerge as leaders and can breakdown community, which is the opposite of the goals of KEFTY. Additionally, we want to help give our teens skills that can be applied outside the KEFTY experience and believe we can help prepare our members for the real world by emulating a job application.
Positions for 2025-2026:
Executive Positions:
These are the core positions that are leading KEFTY. Executive Leadership members are expected to put in approximately 2 hour of work each week (this is an average, but work will vary week by week), as well as attend regular meetings, KEFTY and Kol Emeth events, and be active in the Jewish community.
The President serves as the head of KEFTY leadership and is the Youth Representative on the Kol Emeth Board of Trustees. They will oversee and manage the other leadership positions and ensure the delegation of task. Some of their duties include:
Writes agendas and run KEFTY Leadership meetings in consultation with the Advisor
Checking in with KEFTY leadership members and supporting them when it comes to due dates and delegated task
Attend temple board meetings as a representative of the youth and relay any information back to the advisor and leadership
Filling in for other leadership positions when necessary
Vice President
The Vice President helps guide our youth and teen programming. Their goal is to execute programming that builds community, engages in Jewish content, or in tikkun olam, as well as supporting the operations of KEFTY. Some of their duties include:
Creating programming write-ups for events
Help other board members write programs that they have been delegated by the leadership or that fall under their specific roles
Responsible for taking minutes during the meetings and sending those minutes out
Serves as the next in line if president is unable to perform duties
Marketing Manager
The Marketing Manager will manage all the promotional needs for KEFTY. They will be responsible for our social media and graphics. Some of their duties include:
Creating graphics and flyers for upcoming programming
In partnership with the advisor, manage KEFTY social media pages and post consistently
Taking pictures at events and uploading them
In partnership with the advisor, creating merchandise and swag for KEFTY
Community Engagement Manager
The Community Engagement Manager works to create and promote our community. They spearhead different initiatives and asynchronous programs for KEFTY and help connect us to the greater Jewish community. Some of their duties include:
Promote, encourage and maintain engagement in KEFTY
Executing various initiatives to deepen connection with KEFTY
Serving as the KEFTY delegate to NFTY SAR and relaying information back to the leadership and advisor
Creating a welcoming experience at all programs
Outreach to other Jewish organization to promote collaboration
Chair positions:
These positions are meant to lead KEFTY in specific areas. Chair positions are expected to put in approximately 30 mins-1 hours of work each week (this is an average, but work will vary week by week and depend on position), as well as attend regular meetings, KEFTY and Kol Emeth events, and be active in the Jewish community.
Social Action Chair
This person will help lead KEFTY in community service and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) activities or projects. Some of their duties include:
Adding and planning service-related projects to our KEFTY programming
Assisting in planning a fundraiser for the NFTY SAR Mitzvah Corp project (Camp Jenny) (Gala is scheduled for March 28th, 2026)
Applying to participate in the NFTY SAR Mitzvah Corp project (Camp Jenny) and encouraging others to participate
Jewish Education Chair
This personal will help lead KEFTY in Judaic content and learning. Some of their duties include:
Adding and planning Jewish content into KEFTY programming
Write and lead all KEFTY services to fulfill spiritual and religious needs
Write and lead any religious holiday content, including High Holiday teen programming
Coordinate with TKE clergy Jewish learning opportunities
Music Chair
This person will be the go-to song leader for KEFTY activities. Some of their duties include:
Leading music when needed during programming
Participating in learning opportunities for song leaders and growing in musical craft
Being a musical leader and teaching different songs during Religious School or Tfillah
Fundraising Chair
This person will guide different fundraising initiatives for KEFTY. Some of their duties include:
Planning 2-3 fundraising projects during the academic year
Working with local business to be partners of KEFTY for donations or profit shares
Working with Social Action Chair on planning a fundraiser for the NFTY SAR Mitzvah Corp project (Camp Jenny) (Gala is scheduled for March 28th, 2026)
Thu, March 27 2025
27 Adar 5785