Zaban Shelter
Zaban Shelter
The Zaban Paradies Center for Homeless Couples, located at The Temple in midtown Atlanta, has 20 private rooms for couples that can accommodate up to 40 residents at a time. The center has several shared spaces for workshops, counseling, relaxation and quiet reflection. It also has a kitchen, laundry facilities and a computer lab.
One of the positive aspects of life at ZPC is being part of a supportive community. Couples can enjoy dinner and center activities together. They also participate in weekly groups and workshops designed to support their mental and emotional wellness and economic stability goals. Couples contribute to the residential community’s well-being by assisting with facility care and treating staff, other residents and volunteers with respect and dignity.
ZPC has a chairlift to assist residents, volunteers, staff and guests with disabilities. If you are in need of a chairlift when visiting ZPC, please contact us at 404-872-2915.
Temple Kol Emeth cooks for and staffs the shelter and its residents multiple times a year. Watch the homepage for more information on upcoming dates.
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785